I ordered a Dermalogica Dermal clay cleanser 500mls online.
It was much more cheaper that the retail price in those beauty shops. at least a 30% off :))
And i'm very elated that it arrived today!
Anyway the seller was nice to give me a few samples, and one of them is the Daily microfoliant which i always wanted to try. Was choosing between the purchase of the Daily Microfoliant or the Dermal Clay Cleanser. In the end i think Dermal Clay Cleanser would be more suitable.

I could feel the fresh and minty feeling on my face, and i feel damn clean!
Nice product and i love it :)

My make-up remover is finishing soon, it's from Dermadex. 50 mls for $49.
Damn ex, gonna change it to Dermalogica Precleanser soon. slightly more ex but in 150mls. Worth it.
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