head down to suntec city with Jeanette to watch Avatar.
omg, this show is freaking nice :)
rate 4.5/5 ******

i hope the time machine just breakdown here. so that we could have the never-ending happiness together forever.
omg, this show is freaking nice :)
rate 4.5/5 ******

Jeanette and me! my TTSH partner :) LOVE HER!

i don't know what got into boyfriend's mind, i called him when i ended the movie and he was ready to pick me up from his home already! gosh, that makes me unable to do shopping! was rushing to try clothes and browsing thru racks of nice clothes i wanna buy but no time!
at least still have time to take pic with Jeanette.
at least still have time to take pic with Jeanette.
was kinda pissed off with boyfriend, because he reach suntec so fast!
haha, but of cuz i'm happy because he auto come pick me up :)
haha, but of cuz i'm happy because he auto come pick me up :)
a top i bought. pwetty pwetty!
i hope the time machine just breakdown here. so that we could have the never-ending happiness together forever.
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