trip to ikea again.
the ikea plastic bag im holding on made me look like an auntie.

nice cushion!

leeshean & i

the ikea plastic bag im holding on made me look like an auntie.
nice cushion!
leeshean & i
a $149 sofa that we're sitting on.
shopping loots.
suppose to head to town after ikea. but our shopping loots were too heavy. and we're kind of tired. so leeshean went ntuc with me to buy somethings and headed back to my house.
back at my house, i was trying my braun epilator on her leg. and she was screaming almost all the way. it's not the pain that you're scared of actually, it's the vibrating sound that comes out from the epilator that make you scared. thanks alot to the one who invented this product.
my faceshop products i bought.
today's trip is tiring, plus i saw many things in ikea i wanted so much. but i'm sure i'll be nagged. busy this week. sitong's bdae is this weekend, 21st bdae!
key to freedom soon. hoho.
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